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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Security Clearance

Did you know that if you go through foreclosure that you could lose your security clearance? 

This is one of the most challenging issues against security clearance, outside of a serious misdemeanor or felony conviction.  If you have a foreclosure and work as a police officer, in the CIA, airport or business security, are in the military, or any other position that requires a security clearance, in almost all cases security clearance will be revoked and in turn your position terminated.

A short sale does not challenge most security clearances on it's own.  This is yet another good reason to try and sell your home if you are, or will be, having problems making your payments.  It's always best to try and modify your loan with your lender/servicer, but if the modification doesn't get approved or adjusted to a payment that you can afford, find a realtor (like ME!) that has the Certified Distressed Property Expert designation so they can properly submit offers once your home is on the market.  Since the 'foreclosure' stamp goes on your credit record at the time of the sheriff's sale, you are best served by putting your home on the market at the time of your first missed payment.

Do not hesitate to call or write me if you're concerned about your financial position during these stressful times or if you know of friends or family that could benefit from my services.  I am always ready to help people out of a bad situation and thank you in advance for your referrals.

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